To draft this article, I drew inspiration from a research paper prepared in 2018 by Chaire de recherche en fiscalité et en finances publiques (the research chair in taxation and …
Real Estate
Home ownership through time
[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain Lapointe[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain LapointeDo you have the same reaction I do regarding the rising cost of property? Do you wonder how people can afford to buy homes given the steadily increasing market prices …
Financial System
Why Are Credit Card Interest Rates So High?
[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain Lapointe[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain LapointeI read an interesting article recently written by Ben Carlson[1] regarding credit card interest rates. It relates to the USA but it can easily be applied for Canada as well. …
COVID-19 Crisis
[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain Lapointe[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain LapointeAs was inevitable after an 11-year-long bull market cycle, we officially entered market correction territory on Wednesday, March 11th.The oil war between Saudi Arabia and Russia and the corona virus …
Are market all-time highs normal?
[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain Lapointe[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain LapointeI read an interesting article recently in Fortune[1]. It referred to market highs and the fact that investors are worried that what goes up eventually has to come down. Plenty …
InvestmentReal Estate
Is renting throwing away money?
[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain Lapointe[pencilang en_US='by' fr_FR='par' /] Sylvain LapointeI came across a good article from Robb Engen[1] comparing the cost of ownership vs. the cost of renting. Most people tackle the rent vs. buy problem incorrectly by framing …