Home Information How much proximity would you like to have when you retire?

How much proximity would you like to have when you retire?

by Sylvain Lapointe

Happy Senior Couple on the Bow of a Sail Boat

I read an interesting article written by Rob Carrick from the Globe and Mail.  The story makes us realize that the majority of our waking hours while employed are spent away from our spouse or partner. And then comes retirement.

Most people dream about retirement, however, it is not rosy for everyone and can be the source of a breakup for couples. We move from a situation where we spend the majority of our time separated from our partner to being together 24/7.

The author of the article recommends that we not wait until retirement to find out how we are going to react when faced with this new situation. Couples should discuss their vision of retirement well in advance of closing up shop. It is important to share your vision of retirement – with regard to travel, social activities and sports. Another point to clarify is how much proximity do we want to share with our partner. One expert even suggests staggering retirement dates so spouses will be able to adjust their schedules their own way.

Most experts on the subject seem to agree that it is men who seem to have the most difficulty adjusting to this new reality. Many men begin their retirement with a very vague idea of ​​what it will be and then break down.

One interesting solution is to draw up a list of things to do once you retire. Below are several ideas:

  • Live according to your means
  • Travel
  • Renovate your home
  • Move to the country
  • Teach
  • Volunteer
  • Visit friends and family
  • Become a mentor
  • Spend time with the children and grandchildren
  • Read or write a book
  • Return to school
  • Learn a new language or learn how to play an instrument
  • Practise a new hobby
  • Sit back and relax!

As you can see, there are many things you can do, all it takes is proper preparation and planning with your spouse. Happy retirement!


The information contained in this article were prepared by Sylvain Lapointe, an Investment Advisor registered with: PEAK Securities Inc.; they were obtained from sources we believe to be reliable but are not certified and may be incomplete. The author is not responsible for readers’ financial decisions following this reading. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect PEAK Securities Inc. PEAK Securities Inc. is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

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